megaOmega Code of Conduct

Regulatory Compliance
  1. We abide by all regulations that promote & protect our products & services in the markets in which we operate in, including anti-trust & competition laws.
  2. We comply with country-specific, regional, EU & UN imposed trade restrictions & sanctions that apply to our products & services.
  3. We protect & respect intellectual property rights that apply to us & others including patents, copyrights & trademarks.
Code of Conduct
  1. We act with integrity. We ensure that all our actions are ethical & do not violate the freedoms, rights & dignity of others. We do not believe in violence, the abuse of the vulnerable, & the destruction of life, property & the planet.
  2. We abide by all applicable accounting, taxation, public reporting & disclosure requirements. We neither bribe nor engage in corrupt practices. We do not engage in conflict of interest or insider trading activities or retaliate against whistle-blowers.
  3. We comply with regulations on anti-money laundering, combating the financing of terrorism, stopping the trade & trafficking of prohibited items including materials, plants, animals & human beings.
  1. We are a trusted & equal opportunities employer with policies that cover legal employment agreements, attendance, leave, pension, health, safety, learning, onboarding, inclusion & performance management.
  2. We have zero tolerance for non-compliance of corporate policies including fraud, misconduct, sexual harassment, alcohol & substance abuse, data theft, & discrimination based on any grounds including gender, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, language, culture & nationality.
  3. We abide by local, national & international labour standards (ILO standards) & best practices when we conduct our business.
  1. We provide a respectful, safe, secure, spacious & healthy workplace for our staff with emergency procedures, fire & hazard reporting, first aid, medical assistance & occupational wellness.
  2. We comply with workplace laws & regulations of the country in which we operate. We ensure that we abide by state-approved public holidays & leave policies (including annual, medical, parental & family). Working hours are from 09:00 to 05:00 on working days. Remote work is possible with CEO approval.
  3. We maintain high personal grooming standards, smart business dresswear & footwear, dress-down day, workplace hygiene, office cleanliness & frequent waste disposal.
Environmental, Social & Governance
  1. We design, manufacture & supply products in a way that protects our staff, their families & communities & the social environment where we conduct our business.
  2. We ensure that there is no harm inflicted on our climate & the environment including its biodiversity where we create, operate & sell our products & solutions. We conserve energy & water. We recycle our waste.
  3. We feature robust governance, financial & tax-transparent structures that comply with applicable Austrian, EU & UN regulations.
  1. We record & document our communications as per the regulatory requirements of Austria & the EU. We align our internal & external communication systems with our business needs & demands.
  2. We authorise our communication with external stakeholders including customers, clients, vendors, suppliers, partners, consultants & associates, as well as our communication devices & social media usage.
  3. We treat our communication of non-public & business related confidential or sensitive information with extreme care. Our CEO authorises staff which can share non-public information to external stakeholders such as the media.
Data Protection
  1. We are committed to maintaining the accuracy, integrity, confidentiality & security of sensitive data including financial information, medical records & personal data.
  2. We employ rigorous cyber security measures including encryption to protect data from malicious or accidental damage, quickly restore data in the event of loss or damage & ensure that data is accessible to those who need it & not to anyone else.
  3. We comply with all applicable data protection & privacy laws as per EU regulations e.g., GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
Conflict & Grievance Redressal
  1. We settle disputes & conflicts between staff through mediation & conflict resolution processes so that staff is enabled to function efficiently & effectively. We address grievances by aggrieved staff so that staff derives satisfaction of seeking redressal & resumes function & performance.
  2. Grievances include, but is not limited to, job responsibilities, condition of employment, administrative procedures, workplace behaviours & management of confidential information. They exclude agreed terms of employment, grievances arising out of disciplinary action, termination of employment, & those settled during the last 6 months.
  3.  We resolve grievances by an independent committee & include the CEO if requested by the aggrieved. The policy is used for legitimate concerns & not for frivolous or malicious or false complaints. We take disciplinary or corrective actions to rectify improper complaints.